Imma back. ;)
26/12/2011,it's a public holidayy for christmas. ;D
Angel's birthdayy too.So,we 15 people went there to help her celebrate birthdayy! =D
We also help Wei Yi celebrate her birthdayy which on 23Dec too!
11am ++ KhayYann and I alreadyy reach Sunwayy.To? To buy them a cake and tickets. ;)
Then Jeanne joined us. :D We 3 siao cha boh walked to Secret Recipe to buy da 2 birthdayy girl a cake.
Envyy right?! I envyy them too. D= Birthdayy can eat Secret Recipe's cake.
I don't even have once before. TT
Skip~~~~ we choose Kim Tavern to help them celebrate and sing birthdayy song to them.
Marble cheese cake! nicee! =]
But,still left.Cause too full. /.\
And me,Chatime again! ._.
Spot the cake. Nice nice nice! ;)
Then,we walked out Kim Tavern.
Really beh syiok the waitress use her eyes staring us!! isshhhh
Grrr... nearlyy wanna slap her *
And then,we went to the cinema there.But our movie time no yet reach!!
The most suitable time to pixie! hoho~
Here Here Here.--------------------->
*Can you see what's the difference? x) * haha.
Movie time get started. They moved to cinema.But,I went to starbucks to meet friend.
Haizzz,forget to take picca with him.Until now,I still regret. :(((( SAD DIE.
He's my good good friend. C:
Before went into the cinema,,toilet and and pixie! AGAIN /.\
He's my good good friend. C:
Before went into the cinema,,toilet and and pixie! AGAIN /.\
Ohh....forget to tell.We watched Shelock Holmes.Rate : 9/10.
Not bad larr! Very funny!! I laugh till stomach pain. x)
Must watch ya! XOXO.
hoho~ ;)
Everybody was hungry liao.KIM GARY!!! new geh!! =D We go to test. =P
Its decoration is so nicee! because new mahh xD
While waiting outside KiM GaRY. >.<
Wating for da food.The most trouble way to order that KIM GARY have.囧
The menu looks. xD
Quan yang ehh maggie mee. =.= forget what pice lehh.
Taaadaaa :* That's mine.Rm 15.50.Hmm... I can't finish it. >.< But ho chiak! :D cheese baked rice w/h chicken wings.Try it whenever you go there.Recommended :)

Lets the picca say out loud. xD
The crazy zha boh xD
That's all for this post.
Thankss my readers. XOXO.
Thankss my readers. XOXO.
__________HOW WAS YOUR CHRISTMAS?__________
Is that memorable?
Is that syiok?
Is that happyyy?
Is that syiok?
Is that happyyy?
Me,25/12 went to rye's house for steamboat.
Nothin special,but still okayy lar.
Wear tiok same shirt w/h Boner Qin. -.-
Nothin special,but still okayy lar.
Wear tiok same shirt w/h Boner Qin. -.-
Anyways Merry Belated Christmas ya!
Wait for myy next post ya.
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