25/12 at camp..cant celebrate X'mas..
bt nvm...my aunt plan 27/12 celebrate X'mas..
oh yay...!hapi nia me ^^
early in the morning...
my sis go 2 my ama houz...
actually i oso wan go thr d..
bt i wan slip...zzz..
so din go lor...adui..pig is lk dat d lar..><..
my aunt teach her do jelly...
n my aunt do 'chai gui'...
after eating breakfast..i go thr 2 do 'ke po'...XP
i oso help many thing lor...
so i nt 'ke po'...xixi ^^
her 'chai gui'taste super niceee...^^
nah...the 'chai gui'~
haha XD...zi lian kuang coming~

at evening bout 5pm..me n sis go 2 my uncle houz^^
whn reach thr alr many ppl at thr..
so riuh-rendah...=)
here coms my pic..bt i feel boh sui..@.@

my another aunt cook 'loh mee'...so ho liao~
n den sit at dining room c tv..
my chubbi cousin v me XD

so fast 7.00pm...my aunt cook dinner...
call us go 2 eat...
n den i mah eat lor...
after som tm...we exchange present..
i get a teddy bear...so chubbi..^^
let eu c...
(gt arrow point d)

we at thr bout 11.oopm baru balik..
xixi ^^
on the way hom..my sis d present pecah...adui~
so my sis d heart oso wanna broken edi..kolian~

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