after tution at PBI..the tm is 1.00pm jor..
after having lunch at my ama's houz..
bout 2.30..we jiu chu fa lor..><..
on the journey we c tiok a car 'tobalik'..
at car so long tm..
super damn boring..i mah capture lor..haha =D
sit until my buttock 'bah ki liao'...=$

after having bak kut teh..we go sunway piramid...
go thr c X'mas d design n capture..haha..
on the journey 2 my cousin houz..c tiok econsave..bigger den b'worth lor..zzz

actually i capture dis in IKEA..put wrong place..><
------------------------second day----------------------------
morning..we go 2 eat dim sam...taste ok nia..><..
after our breakfast..we go 2 GL Klang..
thr sell d things super CHEAP lor...
if u go 2 KL..u muz go thr..
bt i duno whr is it located..wahaha XD
we eat yong tou fu..yummy..!
evrytm go KL sure gt go thr eat geh..hehe =]
after eating..we go 2 ikea n the curve..
walao..thr d X'mas d design 48 sui leh..
let u all c wat i c thr =)enjoy ya...haha XD
dis lamp made frm paper special...^^
hope i hav such present on my bufday..><..
down thr all d at THE CURVE d..
at nite..we go eat supper...
bcom fat lerh..T^T...haiz~
-------------------------last day--------------------------

breakfast we eat 'lam mee'...taste nt bad lar..
lk our b'worth d loh mee..haha
1 bowl costs rm5.5 neh..super exp...@@
we go 2 chee qiong gai thr eat lunch..
eat 'dai lok min'..taste nt bad lar..
chee qiong gai reali ppl mountain ppl sea...
gt many 'ang mo lang' go thr...
after eating,we send my cousin go 2 sit bus...
after we go chee qiong gai..we go Mid Valley...oh yay..!!
chubbi..rite??? it seems like ghost...><...
in ADIDAS...dis sui boh?? i feel sui neh~~ kakaz
a href="">
capture v X'mas tree =D
i <3 dis edit..=="

nth capture..let me share some picca v eu..=)
in the HUSH PUPPIES fitting room ^^
go HUSH PUPPIES n buy tiok shirts n pants..
lk them so much ^3^...
n den go 2 oso gt buy shirts..
hapi nia..xixi =)
after shopping until leg wanna broke liao...
we go 2 eat stimboat..nice taste..yummy..!
my chubbi nephew say dis is chili...wahaha XD
on the way bck hom..we c tiok dis...
2mr d papers sure gt dis news geh...
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